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Nimbus Arts
The Napa Valley is known for highlight experiences related to wine. As it should be. But ensuring that residents and visitors to the greater Napa area can engage in the making of and the celebration of art is a non-profit called Nimbus Arts.

A triumvirate of inspired people birthed Nimbus leaning on the ideas of creative expression, curiosity and community. What ensued is a vibrant epicenter for the arts that offers classes, conceives of and executes meaningful public art and hosts perhaps the most outrageous fundraiser this side of Burning Man.


More than a display or hub for its many programs and social media, the Nimbus website is one that works. A great deal of time and thought went into creating a visually engaging site. We’re as pleased with the results as we are with the function of the custom calendar integration tool, allowing a all calendars to work and play well with others. The big things don’t matter if the little ones aren’t taken care of, too.


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